How to Deal with Rejection

Our Take me Out Night aims to me be successful and match up all our handsome young men with some of Sligo’s finest ladies. As most of you are well aware this may not all go to plan on the night and the boys may be unlucky in love, leaving them to go home alone.

Unfortunately there is no way to prevent a “blackout”, where all of the gorgeous girls switch off their lights leaving the poor lad sad and more than likely embarrassed.


We have come up some tips to deal with this sort of rejection:

-Enjoy the single life: You are still in college and it is Sligo where the girls outnumber the boys by at least half. Love yourself!! If you don’t love yourself and enjoy your own company, how would you expect someone else too!

-Meet lots of new people: Not meaning you to be with every boy/ girl you see but just to give you an idea of your type or what you really want. Which brings me to my next point.

-SELF RESPECT: Just because you’ve been rejected once/twice or literally every times you leave your house, does not allow you to sleep around for the rest of the college years. Sligo is a small place, word gets arounds fast, remember that next time you wake up beside a stranger!

-Be realistic: Everyone wants ‘the best of the litter’ but ask yourself, are YOU really that great? Why are you so special or what do you have to offer? You can’t be that much of a catch if you keep getting thrown out of the water!

-Do you have Baggage?: Every time you get close to actually pulling do you bring up an ex or a previous rejection? Deal with it and move on or just simply DON’T BRING IT UP!! This includes trying to make the person feel sorry for you and being the victim. Grow up a little, deal with the situation and move on to the next one.


-Be Positive: You’ll find what you’re looking for eventually! Try to be happy, healthy, and emotionally stable and enjoy your college years.

By following these six simple steps, after being rejected you will be…….AN IDEAL PARTNER!! Nothing can possibly go wrong now right? Basically all you can do is be the best possible version of yourself. Being single is not a bad thing at all (Probably better in college!)

So if you don’t find your perfect match on our Take me Out night, don’t get too down about it. I’m sure as the night goes on, not everyone will be going home alone. 😉


How to Deal with Rejection

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